What a Scorching Hot Day

I could really use a bowl of Red Ruby  right now. Just imagine that blended icy goodness…

P.S I never knew that those red rubies actually consist of water chestnuts in them!  SOOOO GOOD.

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And a dip in the (infinity) pool is definitely an excellent idea. 2013-04-12 18.38.07

But of course, I will always choose Summer over Winter 😉

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Life resolution: To maintain a HEALTHY lifestyle!

1. Exercise regularly

(Read: Time management. I think I’m faring well so far because of the flexibility I enjoy as a student. Not so sure about this after I start working…)

2. Eat well 

(Read: Learn to cook. I can’t cook to save my life 😦 I’ve only fried an egg ONCE?!! Ok, enough of procrastination. I shall learn how to stir fry some simple dishes before I start work! And oh, I definitely have to do something about the incessant snacking.)

3. Sleep well

(Read: Time management. I have a very regular sleeping pattern, so it’s not much of a worry. Similar to regular exercise, I hope I’ll be able to keep this up after I start working. I’ll be very unhappy if my sleep cycle gets disrupted cuz of work. Just. Not. Worth. It.)

4. Positive thinking

(Read: Learn to focus on the positive, and not dwell on the negative. At the end of a baaaad day (esp. a self-imposed one), I always tell myself – “Tomorrow can only get better.” And it does! Power of the mind.)



Wow, pardon the verbal diarrhea. I must be really bored.


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