Do more of what makes you happy

Last week, I met up with a very good friend from a long time ago (13 years to be exact). I thought it might feel a little awkward, but no I actually felt very comfortable throughout our entire meet up! We spent around 5 and a half hours together, from lunch to dessert to random walking/shopping around. Best thing is – I discovered that she loves cereal/granola too! I knew we were good friends for a reason 😉

Work really consumes one’s time and energy (by energy I’m referring to the mental component rather than the physical one). Though I was merely on a temporary assignment, it was as good as a prelude to how a regular office/desk-bound job would be like. I find it unhealthy to be cooped up within four walls the entire day (excluding lunch and toilet breaks), without any exposure to the natural surroundings given that most buildings/officers are air-conditioned. Claustrophobic tendencies aside, the lack of physical movements itself isn’t doing our bodies any good. Backaches, neck aches, headaches, tired eyes… Sound familiar? That said, I am well aware that most, if not all, office jobs are desk-bound. I just wish there was more flexibility, such as a longer lunch break so people can actually do things they like, e.g. shopping, exercise, nap etc.

Met up with my telepathic twinny, Shona, yesterday and we had a good, long chat. It has been MONTHS since we last caught up and I couldn’t be more glad we managed to meet up yesterday. It’s gratifying to witness how well a good friend actually knows you and supports you 🙂 One of the things I really appreciate about my friends/people in general is understanding before judging. Know a person well before casting judgments. There is always a reason why someone behaves in a certain way. Nobody is perfect. You know a friendship is genuine and one to keep when you are able to look beyond the flaws. Anyway, it was a very inspiring talk (at least on my part) we had yesterday and I can’t wait for our next picnic date! ^^

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Do more of what makes you happy.


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